This web host comparison chart was made to address a fundamental problem encountered when searching for the right multiple domain web hosting company: There are no "standard features" in web hosting.
Each web hosting company provides the features they believe will be the most beneficial to their customers. When they show the details of their hosting plan, they list the features they believe will attract the most customers. The problem is, when you are looking for a web host that meets your needs, it is difficult to make an "apples-to-apples" comparison.
At MyMultiHost, we wanted to solve that problem by making it simple to compare the features of the best multiple domain web hosts. Below is our 101-point, side-by-side web host comparison.
It is organized into 8 sections, each rated on a scale of 1-10 for each host. This list is regularly reviewed and updated. We want you to be able to make the best, most educated hosting decision for your needs without having to spend hours reviewing countless web hosts. For your convenience, the host logos and 'visit host' links will bring you to each hosting company so you can explore their services further or sign up for your hosting account.