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HTML Special Characters

The following is a long list of HTML special character codes in ASCII, numerical code, friendly code, Hex code and UTF-8 characters encoding.

  • Using friendly code, a special character would be preceded by an “&” and followed by a “;”. Example: typing “§” in your HTML code would give you a § on your webpage.
  • Using numerical code, a special character would be preceded by “&#” and followed by a “;” Example: typing “§” in your HTML code would give you a § on your webpage.
  • Using Hex code, a special character would be preceded by “&#x” and followed by a “;” Example: typing “§” in your HTML code would give you a § on your webpage.
  • Using Hex code, a special character reference in a web address URL or encoding scheme would be preceded by a “%”. Example: You have likely seen a URL with the space character in it:
  • Using UTF-8 encoding, a special character reference in a web address URL or encoding scheme would be preceded by a “%”. Example: This is used in XML in particular. Using %C2%A7 in a URL or an XML sheet would give you § in that document or address.

Our list of special characters includes all of the most commonly used characters you may encounter, with every friendly code character. The complete list of hex/numeric/UTF-8 characters is comprised of thousands of characters across multiple languages and is too large and not useful for our HTML and XML coding purposes. For a complete listing, visit

Enjoy the list!

Character Friendly Code Hex Code UTF-8 Code Numerical Code Description
09 	 Horizontal Tab (Device Control)
 Line Feed (Device Control)
  20   Space
! ! 21 ! Exclamation Mark
" " 22 " Quotation Mark
# # 23 # Number Sign
$ $ 24 $ Dollar Sign
% % 25 % Percent Sign
& & & 26 & Ampersand
' 27 ' Apostrophe
( ( 28 ( Left Parenthesis
) ) 29 ) Right Parenthesis
* * 2a * Asterisk
+ + 2b + Plus Sign
, , 2c , Comma
- 2d - Hyphen-Minus
. . 2e . Period
/ / 2f / Forward Slash
0 0 30 0 Zero
1 1 31 1 One
2 2 32 2 Two
3 3 33 3 Three
4 4 34 4 Four
5 5 35 5 Five
6 6 36 6 Six
7 7 37 7 Seven
8 8 38 8 Eight
9 9 39 9 Nine
: : 3a : Colon
; &#x3B; 3b &#59; Semicolon
< &lt; &#x3C; 3c &#60; Less-Than Sign
= &#x3D; 3d &#61; Equals Sign
> &gt; &#x3E; 3e &#62; Greater-Than Sign
? &#x3F; 3f &#63; Question Mark
@ &#x40; 40 &#64; At Sign
A &#x41; 41 &#65; Latin Capital Letter A
B &#x42; 42 &#66; Latin Capital Letter B
C &#x43; 43 &#67; Latin Capital Letter C
D &#x44; 44 &#68; Latin Capital Letter D
E &#x45; 45 &#69; Latin Capital Letter E
F &#x46; 46 &#70; Latin Capital Letter F
G &#x47; 47 &#71; Latin Capital Letter G
H &#x48; 48 &#72; Latin Capital Letter H
I &#x49; 49 &#73; Latin Capital Letter I
J &#x4A; 4a &#74; Latin Capital Letter J
K &#x4B; 4b &#75; Latin Capital Letter K
L &#x4C; 4c &#76; Latin Capital Letter L
M &#x4D; 4d &#77; Latin Capital Letter M
N &#x4E; 4e &#78; Latin Capital Letter N
O &#x4F; 4f &#79; Latin Capital Letter O
P &#x50; 50 &#80; Latin Capital Letter P
Q &#x51; 51 &#81; Latin Capital Letter Q
R &#x52; 52 &#82; Latin Capital Letter R
S &#x53; 53 &#83; Latin Capital Letter S
T &#x54; 54 &#84; Latin Capital Letter T
U &#x55; 55 &#85; Latin Capital Letter U
V &#x56; 56 &#86; Latin Capital Letter V
W &#x57; 57 &#87; Latin Capital Letter W
X &#x58; 58 &#88; Latin Capital Letter X
Y &#x59; 59 &#89; Latin Capital Letter Y
Z &#x5A; 5a &#90; Latin Capital Letter Z
[ &#x5B; 5b &#91; Left Square Bracket
\ &#x5C; 5c &#92; Back slash
] &#x5D; 5d &#93; Right Square Bracket
^ &#x5E; 5e &#94; Circumflex Accent, Carat
_ &#x5F; 5f &#95; Underscore
` &#x60; 60 &#96; Grave Accent
a &#x61; 61 &#97; Latin Lowercase Letter A
b &#x62; 62 &#98; Latin Lowercase Letter B
c &#x63; 63 &#99; Latin Lowercase Letter C
d &#x64; 64 &#100; Latin Lowercase Letter D
e &#x65; 65 &#101; Latin Lowercase Letter E
f &#x66; 66 &#102; Latin Lowercase Letter F
g &#x67; 67 &#103; Latin Lowercase Letter G
h &#x68; 68 &#104; Latin Lowercase Letter H
i &#x69; 69 &#105; Latin Lowercase Letter I
j &#x6A; 6a &#106; Latin Lowercase Letter J
k &#x6B; 6b &#107; Latin Lowercase Letter K
l &#x6C; 6c &#108; Latin Lowercase Letter L
m &#x6D; 6d &#109; Latin Lowercase Letter M
n &#x6E; 6e &#110; Latin Lowercase Letter N
o &#x6F; 6f &#111; Latin Lowercase Letter O
p &#x70; 70 &#112; Latin Lowercase Letter P
q &#x71; 71 &#113; Latin Lowercase Letter Q
r &#x72; 72 &#114; Latin Lowercase Letter R
s &#x73; 73 &#115; Latin Lowercase Letter S
t &#x74; 74 &#116; Latin Lowercase Letter T
u &#x75; 75 &#117; Latin Lowercase Letter U
v &#x76; 76 &#118; Latin Lowercase Letter V
w &#x77; 77 &#119; Latin Lowercase Letter W
x &#x78; 78 &#120; Latin Lowercase Letter X
y &#x79; 79 &#121; Latin Lowercase Letter Y
z &#x7A; 7a &#122; Latin Lowercase Letter Z
{ &#x7B; 7b &#123; Left Curly Brace
| &#x7C; 7c &#124; Vertical Bar
} &#x7D; 7d &#125; Right Curly Brace
~ &#x7E; 7e &#126; Tilde
7f &#127 Delete (Device Control)
&nbsp; &#xA0; c2 a0 &#160; No-Break Space
¡ &iexcl; &#xA1; c2 a1 &#161; Inverted Exclamation Mark
¢ &cent; &#xA2; c2 a2 &#162; Cent Sign
£ &pound; &#xA3; c2 a3 &#163; British Pound Sign
¤ &curren; &#xA4; c2 a4 &#164; Currency Sign
¥ &yen; &#xA5; c2 a5 &#164; Yen Sign
¦ &brvbar; &#xA6; c2 a6 &#166; Broken Bar
§ &sect; &#xA7; c2 a7 &#167; Section Sign
¨ &uml; &#xA8; c2 a8 &#168; Diaeresis
© &copy; &#xA9; c2 a9 &#169; Copyright Sign
ª &ordf; &#xAA; c2 aa &#170; Feminine Ordinal Indicator
« &laquo; &#xAB; c2 ab &#171; Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
¬ &not; &#xAC; c2 ac &#172; Not Sign
­ &shy; &#xAD; c2 ad &#173; Soft Hyphen
® &reg; &#xAE; c2 ae &#174; Registered Sign
¯ &macr; &#xAF; c2 af &#175; Macron
° &deg; &#xB0; c2 b0 &#176; Degree Sign
± &plusmn; &#xB1; c2 b1 &#177; Plus-Minus Sign
² &sup2; &#xB2; c2 b2 &#178; Superscript Two
³ &sup3; &#xB3; c2 b3 &#179; Superscript Three
´ &acute; &#xB4; c2 b4 &#180; Acute Accent
µ &micro; &#xB5; c2 b5 &#181; Micro Sign
&para; &#xB6; c2 b6 &#182; Paragraph, Pilcrow Sign
· &middot; &#xB7; c2 b7 &#183; Middle Dot
¸ &cedil; &#xB8; c2 b8 &#184; Cedilla
¹ &sup1; &#xB9; c2 b9 &#185; Superscript One
º &ordm; &#xBA; c2 ba &#186; Masculine Ordinal Indicator
» &raquo; &#xBB; c2 bb &#187; Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
¼ &frac14; &#xBC; c2 bc &#188; Fraction One Quarter
½ &frac12; &#xBD; c2 bd &#189; Fraction One Half
¾ &frac34; &#xBE; c2 be &#190; Fraction Three Quarters
¿ &iquest; &#xBF; c2 bf &#191; Inverted Question Mark
À &Agrave; &#xC0; c3 80 &#192; Latin Capital Letter A With Grave
Á &Aacute; &#xC1; c3 81 &#193; Latin Capital Letter A With Acute
 &Acirc; &#xC2; c3 82 &#194; Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex
à &Atilde; &#xC3; c3 83 &#195; Latin Capital Letter A With Tilde
Ä &Auml; &#xC4; c3 84 &#196; Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis
Å &Aring; &#xC5; c3 85 &#197; Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above
Æ &AElig; &#xC6; c3 86 &#198; Latin Capital Letter Ae
Ç &Ccedil; &#xC7; c3 87 &#199; Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla
È &Egrave; &#xC8; c3 88 &#200; Latin Capital Letter E With Grave
É &Eacute; &#xC9; c3 89 &#201; Latin Capital Letter E With Acute
Ê &Ecirc; &#xCA; c3 8a &#202; Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex
Ë &Euml; &#xCB; c3 8b &#203; Latin Capital Letter E With Diaeresis
Ì &Igrave; &#xCC; c3 8c &#204; Latin Capital Letter I With Grave
Í &Iacute; &#xCD; c3 8d &#205; Latin Capital Letter I With Acute
Î &Icirc; &#xCE; c3 8e &#206; Latin Capital Letter I With Circumflex
Ï &Iuml; &#xCF; c3 8f &#207; Latin Capital Letter I With Diaeresis
Ð &ETH; &#xD0; c3 90 &#208; Latin Capital Letter Eth
Ñ &Ntilde; &#xD1; c3 91 &#209; Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde
Ò &Ograve; &#xD2; c3 92 &#210; Latin Capital Letter O With Grave
Ó &Oacute; &#xD3; c3 93 &#211; Latin Capital Letter O With Acute
Ô &Ocirc; &#xD4; c3 94 &#212; Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex
Õ &Otilde; &#xD5; c3 95 &#213; Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde
Ö &Ouml; &#xD6; c3 96 &#214; Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis
× &times; &#xD7; c3 97 &#215; Multiplication Sign
Ø &Oslash; &#xD8; c3 98 &#216; Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke
Ù &Ugrave; &#xD9; c3 99 &#217; Latin Capital Letter U With Grave
Ú &Uacute; &#xDA; c3 9a &#218; Latin Capital Letter U With Acute
Û &Ucirc; &#xDB; c3 9b &#219; Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex
Ü &Uuml; &#xDC; c3 9c &#220; Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis
Ý &Yacute; &#xDD; c3 9d &#221; Latin Capital Letter Y With Acute
Þ &THORN; &#xDE; c3 9e &#222; Latin Capital Letter Thorn
ß &szlig; &#xDF; c3 9f &#223; Latin Small Letter Sharp S
à &agrave; &#xE0; c3 a0 &#224; Latin Small Letter A With Grave
á &aacute; &#xE1; c3 a1 &#225; Latin Small Letter A With Acute
â &acirc; &#xE2; c3 a2 &#226; Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex
ã &atilde; &#xE3; c3 a3 &#227; Latin Small Letter A With Tilde
ä &auml; &#xE4; c3 a4 &#228; Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis
å &aring; &#xE5; c3 a5 &#229; Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above
æ &aelig; &#xE6; c3 a6 &#230; Latin Small Letter Ae
ç &ccedil; &#xE7; c3 a7 &#231; Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla
è &egrave; &#xE8; c3 a8 &#232; Latin Small Letter E With Grave
é &eacute; &#xE9; c3 a9 &#233; Latin Small Letter E With Acute
ê &ecirc; &#xEA; c3 aa &#234; Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex
ë &euml; &#xEB; c3 ab &#235; Latin Small Letter E With Diaeresis
ì &igrave; &#xEC; c3 ac &#236; Latin Small Letter I With Grave
í &iacute; &#xED; c3 ad &#237; Latin Small Letter I With Acute
î &icirc; &#xEE; c3 ae &#238; Latin Small Letter I With Circumflex
ï &iuml; &#xEF; c3 af &#239; Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis
ð &eth; &#xF0; c3 b0 &#240; Latin Small Letter Eth
ñ &ntilde; &#xF1; c3 b1 &#241; Latin Small Letter N With Tilde
ò &ograve; &#xF2; c3 b2 &#242; Latin Small Letter O With Grave
ó &oacute; &#xF3; c3 b3 &#243; Latin Small Letter O With Acute
ô &ocirc; &#xF4; c3 b4 &#244; Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex
õ &otilde; &#xF5; c3 b5 &#245; Latin Small Letter O With Tilde
ö &ouml; &#xF6; c3 b6 &#246; Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis
÷ &divide; &#xF7; c3 b7 &#247; Division Sign
ø &oslash; &#xF8; c3 b8 &#248; Latin Small Letter O With Stroke
ù &ugrave; &#xF9; c3 b9 &#249; Latin Small Letter U With Grave
ú &uacute; &#xFA; c3 ba &#250; Latin Small Letter U With Acute
û &ucirc; &#xFB; c3 bb &#251; Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex
ü &uuml; &#xFC; c3 bc &#252; Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis
ý &yacute; &#xFD; c3 bd &#253; Latin Small Letter Y With Acute
þ &thorn; &#xFE; c3 be &#254; Latin Small Letter Thorn
ÿ &yuml; &#xFF; c3 bf &#255; Latin Small Letter Y With Diaeresis
Ā &#x100; c4 80 &#256; Latin Capital Letter A With Macron
ā &#x101; c4 81 &#257; Latin Small Letter A With Macron
Ă &#x102; c4 82 &#258; Latin Capital Letter A With Breve
ă &#x103; c4 83 &#259; Latin Small Letter A With Breve
Ą &#x104; c4 84 &#260; Latin Capital Letter A With Ogonek
ą &#x105; c4 85 &#261; Latin Small Letter A With Ogonek
Ē &#x112; c4 92 &#274; Latin Capital Letter E With Macron
ē &#x113; c4 93 &#275; Latin Small Letter E With Macron
Ĕ &#x114; c4 94 &#276; Latin Capital Letter E With Breve
ĕ &#x115; c4 95 &#277; Latin Small Letter E With Breve
Ė &#x116; c4 96 &#278; Latin Capital Letter E With Dot Above
ė &#x117; c4 97 &#279; Latin Small Letter E With Dot Above
Ę &#x118; c4 98 &#280; Latin Capital Letter E With Ogonek
ę &#x119; c4 99 &#281; Latin Small Letter E With Ogonek
Ě &#x11A; c4 9a &#282; Latin Capital Letter E With Caron
ě &#x11B; c4 9b &#283; Latin Small Letter E With Caron
Ĩ &#x128; c4 a8 &#296; Latin Capital Letter I With Tilde
ĩ &#x129; c4 a9 &#297; Latin Small Letter I With Tilde
Ī &#x12A; c4 aa &#298; Latin Capital Letter I With Macron
ī &#x12B; c4 ab &#299; Latin Small Letter I With Macron
Ĭ &#x12C; c4 ac &#300; Latin Capital Letter I With Breve
ĭ &#x12D; c4 ad &#301; Latin Small Letter I With Breve
Į &#x12E; c4 ae &#302; Latin Capital Letter I With Ogonek
į &#x12F; c4 af &#303; Latin Small Letter I With Ogonek
İ &#x130; c4 b0 &#304; Latin Capital Letter I With Dot Above
Ō &#x14C; c5 8c &#332; Latin Capital Letter O With Macron
ō &#x14D; c5 8d &#333; Latin Small Letter O With Macron
Ŏ &#x14E; c5 8e &#334; Latin Capital Letter O With Breve
ŏ &#x14F; c5 8f &#335; Latin Small Letter O With Breve
Ő &#x150; c5 90 &#336; Latin Capital Letter O With Double Acute
ő &#x151; c5 91 &#337; Latin Small Letter O With Double Acute
Œ &OElig; &#x152; c5 92 &#140; Latin Capital Ligature Oe
œ &oelig; &#x153; c5 93 &#156; Latin Small Ligature Oe
Š &Scaron; &#x160; c5 a0 &#138; Latin Capital Letter S With Caron
š &scaron; &#x161; c5 a1 &#154; Latin Small Letter S With Caron
Ũ &#x168; c5 a8 &#360; Latin Capital Letter U With Tilde
ũ &#x169; c5 a9 &#361; Latin Small Letter U With Tilde
Ū &#x16A; c5 aa &#362; Latin Capital Letter U With Macron
ū &#x16B; c5 ab &#363; Latin Small Letter U With Macron
Ŭ &#x16C; c5 ac &#364; Latin Capital Letter U With Breve
ŭ &#x16D; c5 ad &#365; Latin Small Letter U With Breve
Ů &#x16E; c5 ae &#366; Latin Capital Letter U With Ring Above
ů &#x16F; c5 af &#367; Latin Small Letter U With Ring Above
Ű &#x170; c5 b0 &#368; Latin Capital Letter U With Double Acute
ű &#x171; c5 b1 &#369; Latin Small Letter U With Double Acute
Ÿ &Yuml; &#x178; c5 b8 &#159; Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis
ƒ &fnof; &#x192; c6 92 &#131; Latin Small Letter F With Hook
ǎ &#x1CE; c7 8e &#462; Latin Small Letter A With Caron
Ǐ &#x1CF; c7 8f &#463; Latin Capital Letter I With Caron
ǐ &#x1D0; c7 90 &#464; Latin Small Letter I With Caron
Ǒ &#x1D1; c7 91 &#465; Latin Capital Letter O With Caron
ǒ &#x1D2; c7 92 &#466; Latin Small Letter O With Caron
Ǔ &#x1D3; c7 93 &#467; Latin Capital Letter U With Caron
ǔ &#x1D4; c7 94 &#468; Latin Small Letter U With Caron
ȸ &#x238; c8 b8 &#568; Latin Small Letter Db Digraph
ȹ &#x239; c8 b9 &#569; Latin Small Letter Qp Digraph
ɰ &#x270; c9 b0 &#624; Latin Small Letter Turned M With Long Leg
ɳ &#x273; c9 b3 &#627; Latin Small Letter N With Retroflex Hook
ɵ &#x275; c9 b5 &#629; Latin Small Letter Barred O
ɶ &#x276; c9 b6 &#630; Latin Letter Small Capital Oe
ɷ &#x277; c9 b7 &#631; Latin Small Letter Closed Omega
ɸ &#x278; c9 b8 &#632; Latin Small Letter Phi
ˆ &circ; &#x2C6; cb 86 &#136; Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent
˜ &tilde; &#x2DC; cb 9c &#152; Small Tilde
Α &Alpha; &#x391; ce 91 &#913; Greek Capital Letter Alpha
Β &Beta; &#x392; ce 92 &#914; Greek Capital Letter Beta
Γ &Gamma; &#x393; ce 93 &#915; Greek Capital Letter Gamma
Δ &Delta; &#x394; ce 94 &#916; Greek Capital Letter Delta
Ε &Epsilon; &#x395; ce 95 &#917; Greek Capital Letter Epsilon
Ζ &Zeta; &#x396; ce 96 &#918; Greek Capital Letter Zeta
Η &Eta; &#x397; ce 97 &#919; Greek Capital Letter Eta
Θ &Theta; &#x398; ce 98 &#920; Greek Capital Letter Theta
Ι &Iota; &#x399; ce 99 &#921; Greek Capital Letter Iota
Κ &Kappa; &#x39A; ce 9a &#922; Greek Capital Letter Kappa
Λ &Lambda; &#x39B; ce 9b &#923; Greek Capital Letter Lamda
Μ &Mu; &#x39C; ce 9c &#924; Greek Capital Letter Mu
Ν &Nu; &#x39D; ce 9d &#925; Greek Capital Letter Nu
Ξ &Xi; &#x39E; ce 9e &#926; Greek Capital Letter Xi
Ο &Omicron; &#x39F; ce 9f &#927; Greek Capital Letter Omicron
Π &Pi; &#x3A0; ce a0 &#928; Greek Capital Letter Pi
Ρ &Rho; &#x3A1; ce a1 &#929; Greek Capital Letter Rho
Σ &Sigma; &#x3A3; ce a3 &#931; Greek Capital Letter Sigma
Τ &Tau; &#x3A4; ce a4 &#932; Greek Capital Letter Tau
Υ &Upsilon; &#x3A5; ce a5 &#933; Greek Capital Letter Upsilon
Φ &Phi; &#x3A6; ce a6 &#934; Greek Capital Letter Phi
Χ &Chi; &#x3A7; ce a7 &#935; Greek Capital Letter Chi
Ψ &Psi; &#x3A8; ce a8 &#936; Greek Capital Letter Psi
Ω &Omega; &#x3A9; ce a9 &#937; Greek Capital Letter Omega
α &alpha; &#x3B1; ce b1 &#945; Greek Small Letter Alpha
β &beta; &#x3B2; ce b2 &#946; Greek Small Letter Beta
γ &gamma; &#x3B3; ce b3 &#947; Greek Small Letter Gamma
δ &delta; &#x3B4; ce b4 &#948; Greek Small Letter Delta
ε &epsilon; &#x3B5; ce b5 &#949; Greek Small Letter Epsilon
ζ &zeta; &#x3B6; ce b6 &#950; Greek Small Letter Zeta
η &eta; &#x3B7; ce b7 &#951; Greek Small Letter Eta
θ &theta; &#x3B8; ce b8 &#952; Greek Small Letter Theta
ι &iota; &#x3B9; ce b9 &#953; Greek Small Letter Iota
κ &kappa; &#x3BA; ce ba &#954; Greek Small Letter Kappa
λ &lambda; &#x3BB; ce bb &#955; Greek Small Letter Lamda
μ &mu; &#x3BC; ce bc &#956; Greek Small Letter Mu
ν &nu; &#x3BD; ce bd &#957; Greek Small Letter Nu
ξ &xi; &#x3BE; ce be &#958; Greek Small Letter Xi
ο &omicron; &#x3BF; ce bf &#959; Greek Small Letter Omicron
π &pi; &#x3C0; cf 80 &#960; Greek Small Letter Pi
ρ &rho; &#x3C1; cf 81 &#961; Greek Small Letter Rho
ς &sigmaf; &#x3C2; cf 82 &#962; Greek Small Letter Final Sigma
σ &sigma; &#x3C3; cf 83 &#963; Greek Small Letter Sigma
τ &tau; &#x3C4; cf 84 &#964; Greek Small Letter Tau
υ &upsilon; &#x3C5; cf 85 &#965; Greek Small Letter Upsilon
φ &phi; &#x3C6; cf 86 &#966; Greek Small Letter Phi
χ &chi; &#x3C7; cf 87 &#967; Greek Small Letter Chi
ψ &psi; &#x3C8; cf 88 &#968; Greek Small Letter Psi
ω &omega; &#x3C9; cf 89 &#969; Greek Small Letter Omega
ώ &#x3CE; cf 8e &#974; Greek Small Letter Omega With Tonos
ϐ &#x3D0; cf 90 &#976; Greek Beta Symbol
ϑ &thetasym; &#x3D1; cf 91 &#977; Greek Theta Symbol
ϒ &upsih; &#x3D2; cf 92 &#978; Greek Upsilon With Hook Symbol
ϕ &#x3D5; cf 95 &#981; Greek Phi Symbol
ϖ &piv; &#x3D6; cf 96 &#982; Greek Pi Symbol
ϗ &#x3D7; cf 97 &#983; Greek Kai Symbol
Ϙ &#x3D8; cf 98 &#984; Greek Letter Archaic Koppa
ϙ &#x3D9; cf 99 &#985; Greek Small Letter Archaic Koppa
Ϛ &#x3DA; cf 9a &#986; Greek Letter Stigma
ϛ &#x3DB; cf 9b &#987; Greek Small Letter Stigma
Ϝ &#x3DC; cf 9c &#988; Greek Letter Digamma
ϝ &#x3DD; cf 9d &#989; Greek Small Letter Digamma
Ϟ &#x3DE; cf 9e &#990; Greek Letter Koppa
ϟ &#x3DF; cf 9f &#991; Greek Small Letter Koppa
Ϡ &#x3E0; cf a0 &#992; Greek Letter Sampi
ϡ &#x3E1; cf a1 &#993; Greek Small Letter Sampi
ϰ &#x3F0; cf b0 &#994; Greek Kappa Symbol
ϱ &#x3F1; cf b1 &#995; Greek Rho Symbol
ϲ &#x3F2; cf b2 &#996; Greek Lunate Sigma Symbol
ϳ &#x3F3; cf b3 &#997; Greek Letter Yot
ϴ &#x3F4; cf b4 &#998; Greek Capital Theta Symbol
ϵ &#x3F5; cf b5 &#999; Greek Lunate Epsilon Symbol
϶ &#x3F6; cf b6 &#1000; Greek Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol
Ϸ &#x3F7; cf b7 &#1001; Greek Capital Letter Sho
ϸ &#x3F8; cf b8 &#1002; Greek Small Letter Sho
Ϲ &#x3F9; cf b9 &#1003; Greek Capital Lunate Sigma Symbol
Ϻ &#x3FA; cf ba &#1004; Greek Capital Letter San
ϻ &#x3FB; cf bb &#1005; Greek Small Letter San
ϼ &#x3FC; cf bc &#1006; Greek Rho With Stroke Symbol
Ͻ &#x3FD; cf bd &#1007; Greek Capital Reversed Lunate Sigma Symbol
Ͼ &#x3FE; cf be &#1008; Greek Capital Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol
Ͽ &#x3FF; cf bf &#1009; Greek Capital Reversed Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol
&ensp; &#x2002; e2 80 82 &#1010; En Space
&emsp; &#x2003; e2 80 83 &#1011; Em Space
&thinsp; &#x2009; e2 80 89 &#1017; Thin Space
&zwnj; &#x200C; e2 80 8c &#1020; Zero Width Non-Joiner
&zwj; &#x200D; e2 80 8d &#1021; Zero Width Joiner
&lrm; &#x200E; e2 80 8e &#1022; Left-To-Right Mark
&rlm; &#x200F; e2 80 8f &#1023; Right-To-Left Mark
&#x2010; e2 80 90 &#8208; Hyphen
&#x2011; e2 80 91 &#8209; Non-Breaking Hyphen
&#x2012; e2 80 92 &#8210; Figure Dash
&ndash; &#x2013; e2 80 93 &#150; En Dash
&mdash; &#x2014; e2 80 94 &#151; Em Dash
&#x2015; e2 80 95 &#8213; Horizontal Bar
&#x2016; e2 80 96 &#8214; Double Vertical Line
&#x2017; e2 80 97 &#8215; Double Low Line
&lsquo; &#x2018; e2 80 98 &#145; Left Single Quotation Mark
&rsquo; &#x2019; e2 80 99 &#146; Right Single Quotation Mark
&sbquo; &#x201A; e2 80 9a &#130; Single Low Quotation Mark
&#x201B; e2 80 9b &#8219; Single High-Reversed Quotation Mark
&ldquo; &#x201C; e2 80 9c &#147; Left Double Quotation Mark
&rdquo; &#x201D; e2 80 9d &#148; Right Double Quotation Mark
&bdquo; &#x201E; e2 80 9e &#132; Double Low Quotation Mark
&#x201F; e2 80 9f &#8223; Double High-Reversed Quotation Mark
&dagger; &#x2020; e2 80 a0 &#134; Dagger
&Dagger; &#x2021; e2 80 a1 &#135; Double Dagger
&bull; &#x2022; e2 80 a2 &#149; Bullet
&#x2023; e2 80 a3 &#8227; Triangular Bullet
&#x2024; e2 80 a4 &#8228; One Dot Leader
&#x2025; e2 80 a5 &#8229; Two Dot Leader
&hellip; &#x2026; e2 80 a6 &#133; Ellipsis
&#x2027; e2 80 a7 &#8231; Hyphenation Point
&permil; &#x2030; e2 80 b0 &#137; Per Mille (per thousand) Sign
&#x2031; e2 80 b1 &#8241; Per Ten Thousand Sign
&prime; &#x2032; e2 80 b2 &#8242; Prime
&Prime; &#x2033; e2 80 b3 &#8243; Double Prime
&#x2034; e2 80 b4 &#8244; Triple Prime
&#x2035; e2 80 b5 &#8245; Reversed Prime
&#x2036; e2 80 b6 &#8246; Reversed Double Prime
&#x2037; e2 80 b7 &#8247; Reversed Triple Prime
&#x2038; e2 80 b8 &#8248; Caret
&lsaquo; &#x2039; e2 80 b9 &#139; Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
&rsaquo; &#x203A; e2 80 ba &#155; Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
&#x203B; e2 80 bb &#8251; Reference Mark
&#x203C; e2 80 bc &#8252; Double Exclamation Mark
&#x203D; e2 80 bd &#8253; Interrobang
&oline; &#x203E; e2 80 be &#8254; Overline
&#x203F; e2 80 bf &#8255; Undertie
&#x2040; e2 81 80 &#8256; Character Tie
&#x2041; e2 81 81 &#8257; Caret Insertion Point
&#x2042; e2 81 82 &#8258; Asterism
&#x2043; e2 81 83 &#8259; Hyphen Bullet
&frasl; &#x2044; e2 81 84 &#8260; Fraction Slash
&#x2045; e2 81 85 &#8261; Left Square Bracket With Quill
&#x2046; e2 81 86 &#8262; Right Square Bracket With Quill
&#x2051; e2 81 91 &#8273; Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically
&#x2056; e2 81 96 &#8278; Three Dot Punctuation
&#x2057; e2 81 97 &#8279; Quadruple Prime
&#x205E; e2 81 9e &#8286; Vertical Four Dots
&#x2061; e2 81 a1 &#8289; Function Application
&#x2070; e2 81 b0 &#8304; Superscript Zero
&#x2074; e2 81 b4 &#8308; Superscript Four
&#x2075; e2 81 b5 &#8309; Superscript Five
&#x2076; e2 81 b6 &#8310; Superscript Six
&#x2077; e2 81 b7 &#8311; Superscript Seven
&#x2078; e2 81 b8 &#8312; Superscript Eight
&#x2079; e2 81 b9 &#8313; Superscript Nine
&#x207A; e2 81 ba &#8314; Superscript Plus Sign
&#x207B; e2 81 bb &#8315; Superscript Minus
&#x207C; e2 81 bc &#8316; Superscript Equals Sign
&#x207D; e2 81 bd &#8317; Superscript Left Parenthesis
&#x207E; e2 81 be &#8318; Superscript Right Parenthesis
&#x207F; e2 81 bf &#8319; Superscript Latin Small Letter N
&#x2080; e2 82 80 &#8320; Subscript Zero
&#x2081; e2 82 81 &#8321; Subscript One
&#x2082; e2 82 82 &#8322; Subscript Two
&#x2083; e2 82 83 &#8323; Subscript Three
&#x2084; e2 82 84 &#8324; Subscript Four
&#x2085; e2 82 85 &#8325; Subscript Five
&#x2086; e2 82 86 &#8326; Subscript Six
&#x2087; e2 82 87 &#8327; Subscript Seven
&#x2088; e2 82 88 &#8328; Subscript Eight
&#x2089; e2 82 89 &#8329; Subscript Nine
&#x208A; e2 82 8a &#8330; Subscript Plus Sign
&#x208B; e2 82 8b &#8331; Subscript Minus
&#x208C; e2 82 8c &#8332; Subscript Equals Sign
&#x208D; e2 82 8d &#8333; Subscript Left Parenthesis
&#x208E; e2 82 8e &#8334; Subscript Right Parenthesis
&#x2090; e2 82 90 &#8336; Latin Subscript Small Letter A
&#x2091; e2 82 91 &#8337; Latin Subscript Small Letter E
&#x2092; e2 82 92 &#8338; Latin Subscript Small Letter O
&#x2093; e2 82 93 &#8339; Latin Subscript Small Letter X
&#x2094; e2 82 94 &#8340; Latin Subscript Small Letter Schwa
&#x20A0; e2 82 a0 &#8352; Euro-Currency Sign
&#x20A1; e2 82 a1 &#8353; Colon Sign
&#x20A2; e2 82 a2 &#8354; Cruzeiro Sign
&#x20A3; e2 82 a3 &#8355; French Franc Sign
&#x20A4; e2 82 a4 &#8356; Lira Sign
&#x20A5; e2 82 a5 &#8357; Mill Sign
&#x20A6; e2 82 a6 &#8358; Naira Sign
&#x20A7; e2 82 a7 &#8359; Peseta Sign
&#x20A8; e2 82 a8 &#8360; Rupee Sign
&#x20A9; e2 82 a9 &#8361; Won Sign
&#x20AA; e2 82 aa &#8362; New Sheqel Sign
&#x20AB; e2 82 ab &#8363; Dong Sign
&euro; &#x20AC; e2 82 ac &#128; Euro Currency Sign
&#x20AD; e2 82 ad &#8365; Kip Sign
&#x20AE; e2 82 ae &#8366; Tugrik Sign
&#x20AF; e2 82 af &#8367; Drachma Sign
&#x20B0; e2 82 b0 &#8368; German Penny Sign
&#x20B1; e2 82 b1 &#8369; Peso Sign
&#x20B2; e2 82 b2 &#8370; Guarani Sign
&#x20B3; e2 82 b3 &#8371; Austral Sign
&#x20B4; e2 82 b4 &#8372; Hryvnia Sign
&#x20B5; e2 82 b5 &#8373; Cedi Sign
&#x20D0; e2 83 90 &#8400; Combining Left Harpoon Above
&#x20D1; e2 83 91 &#8401; Combining Right Harpoon Above
&#x20D2; e2 83 92 &#8402; Combining Long Vertical Line Overlay
&#x20D3; e2 83 93 &#8403; Combining Short Vertical Line Overlay
&#x20D4; e2 83 94 &#8404; Combining Anticlockwise Arrow Above
&#x20D5; e2 83 95 &#8405; Combining Clockwise Arrow Above
&#x20D6; e2 83 96 &#8406; Combining Left Arrow Above
&#x20D7; e2 83 97 &#8407; Combining Right Arrow Above
&#x20DB; e2 83 9b &#8411; Combining Three Dots Above
&#x20DC; e2 83 9c &#8412; Combining Four Dots Above
&#x20E0; e2 83 a0 &#8416; Combining Enclosing Circle Backslash
&#x20E1; e2 83 a1 &#8417; Combining Left Right Arrow Above
&#x20E9; e2 83 a9 &#8425; Combining Wide Bridge Above
&#x20EA; e2 83 aa &#8426; Combining Leftwards Arrow Overlay
&#x2100; e2 84 80 &#8448; Account Of
&#x2101; e2 84 81 &#8449; Addressed To The Subject
&#x2102; e2 84 82 &#8450; Double-Struck Capital C
&#x2103; e2 84 83 &#8451; Degree Celsius
&#x2104; e2 84 84 &#8452; Centre Line Symbol
&#x2105; e2 84 85 &#8453; Care Of
&#x2106; e2 84 86 &#8454; Cada Una
&#x2107; e2 84 87 &#8455; Euler Constant
&#x2108; e2 84 88 &#8456; Scruple
&#x2109; e2 84 89 &#8457; Degree Fahrenheit
&#x210A; e2 84 8a &#8458; Script Small G
&#x210B; e2 84 8b &#8459; Script Capital H
&#x210C; e2 84 8c &#8460; Black-Letter Capital H
&#x210E; e2 84 8e &#8462; Planck Constant
&#x210F; e2 84 8f &#8463; Planck Constant Over Two Pi
&#x2110; e2 84 90 &#8464; Script Capital I
&image; &#x2111; e2 84 91 &#8465; Black-Letter Capital I
&#x2112; e2 84 92 &#8466; Script Capital L
&#x2113; e2 84 93 &#8467; Script Small L
&#x2114; e2 84 94 &#8468; L B Bar Symbol
&#x2116; e2 84 96 &#8470; Numero Sign
&#x2117; e2 84 97 &#8471; Sound Recording Copyright
&weierp; &#x2118; e2 84 98 &#8472; Script Capital P
&#x211B; e2 84 9b &#8475; Script Capital R
&real; &#x211C; e2 84 9c &#8476; Black-Letter Capital R
&#x211E; e2 84 9e &#8478; Prescription Take
&#x211F; e2 84 9f &#8479; Response
&#x2120; e2 84 a0 &#8480; Service Mark
&#x2121; e2 84 a1 &#8481; Telephone Sign
&trade; &#x2122; e2 84 a2 &#153; Trade Mark Sign
&#x2125; e2 84 a5 &#8485; Ounce Sign
&#x2126; e2 84 a6 &#8486; Ohm Sign
&#x2127; e2 84 a7 &#8487; Inverted Ohm Sign
&#x2128; e2 84 a8 &#8488; Black-Letter Capital Z
&#x212A; e2 84 aa &#8490; Kelvin Sign
&#x212B; e2 84 ab &#8491; Angstrom Sign
&#x212C; e2 84 ac &#8492; Script Capital B
&#x212D; e2 84 ad &#8493; Black-Letter Capital C
&#x212E; e2 84 ae &#8494; Estimated Symbol
&#x212F; e2 84 af &#8495; Script Small E
&#x2130; e2 84 b0 &#8496; Script Capital E
&#x2131; e2 84 b1 &#8497; Script Capital F
&#x2132; e2 84 b2 &#8498; Turned Capital F
&#x2133; e2 84 b3 &#8499; Script Capital M
&#x2134; e2 84 b4 &#8500; Script Small O
&alefsym; &#x2135; e2 84 b5 &#8501; Alef Symbol
&#x2136; e2 84 b6 &#8502; Bet Symbol
&#x2137; e2 84 b7 &#8503; Gimel Symbol
&#x2138; e2 84 b8 &#8504; Dalet Symbol
&#x2139; e2 84 b9 &#8505; Information Source
&#x214A; e2 85 8a &#8522; Property Line
&#x2153; e2 85 93 &#8531; Fraction One Third
&#x2154; e2 85 94 &#8532; Fraction Two Thirds
&#x2155; e2 85 95 &#8533; Fraction One Fifth
&#x2156; e2 85 96 &#8534; Fraction Two Fifths
&#x2157; e2 85 97 &#8535; Fraction Three Fifths
&#x2158; e2 85 98 &#8536; Fraction Four Fifths
&#x2159; e2 85 99 &#8537; Fraction One Sixth
&#x215A; e2 85 9a &#8538; Fraction Five Sixths
&#x215B; e2 85 9b &#8539; Fraction One Eighth
&#x215C; e2 85 9c &#8540; Fraction Three Eighths
&#x215D; e2 85 9d &#8541; Fraction Five Eighths
&#x215E; e2 85 9e &#8542; Fraction Seven Eighths
&#x215F; e2 85 9f &#8543; Fraction Numerator One
&#x2160; e2 85 a0 &#8544; Roman Numeral One
&#x2161; e2 85 a1 &#8545; Roman Numeral Two
&#x2162; e2 85 a2 &#8546; Roman Numeral Three
&#x2163; e2 85 a3 &#8547; Roman Numeral Four
&#x2164; e2 85 a4 &#8548; Roman Numeral Five
&#x2165; e2 85 a5 &#8549; Roman Numeral Six
&#x2166; e2 85 a6 &#8550; Roman Numeral Seven
&#x2167; e2 85 a7 &#8551; Roman Numeral Eight
&#x2168; e2 85 a8 &#8552; Roman Numeral Nine
&#x2169; e2 85 a9 &#8553; Roman Numeral Ten
&#x216A; e2 85 aa &#8554; Roman Numeral Eleven
&#x216B; e2 85 ab &#8555; Roman Numeral Twelve
&#x216C; e2 85 ac &#8556; Roman Numeral Fifty
&#x216D; e2 85 ad &#8557; Roman Numeral One Hundred
&#x216E; e2 85 ae &#8558; Roman Numeral Five Hundred
&#x216F; e2 85 af &#8559; Roman Numeral One Thousand
&#x2170; e2 85 b0 &#8560; Small Roman Numeral One
&#x2171; e2 85 b1 &#8561; Small Roman Numeral Two
&#x2172; e2 85 b2 &#8562; Small Roman Numeral Three
&#x2173; e2 85 b3 &#8563; Small Roman Numeral Four
&#x2174; e2 85 b4 &#8564; Small Roman Numeral Five
&#x2175; e2 85 b5 &#8565; Small Roman Numeral Six
&#x2176; e2 85 b6 &#8566; Small Roman Numeral Seven
&#x2177; e2 85 b7 &#8567; Small Roman Numeral Eight
&#x2178; e2 85 b8 &#8568; Small Roman Numeral Nine
&#x2179; e2 85 b9 &#8569; Small Roman Numeral Ten
&#x217A; e2 85 ba &#8570; Small Roman Numeral Eleven
&#x217B; e2 85 bb &#8571; Small Roman Numeral Twelve
&#x217C; e2 85 bc &#8572; Small Roman Numeral Fifty
&#x217D; e2 85 bd &#8573; Small Roman Numeral One Hundred
&#x217E; e2 85 be &#8574; Small Roman Numeral Five Hundred
&#x217F; e2 85 bf &#8575; Small Roman Numeral One Thousand
&larr; &#x2190; e2 86 90 &#8592; Leftwards Arrow
&uarr; &#x2191; e2 86 91 &#8593; Upwards Arrow
&rarr; &#x2192; e2 86 92 &#8594; Rightwards Arrow
&darr; &#x2193; e2 86 93 &#8595; Downwards Arrow
&harr; &#x2194; e2 86 94 &#8596; Left Right Arrow
&#x2195; e2 86 95 &#8597; Up Down Arrow
&#x2196; e2 86 96 &#8598; North West Arrow
&#x2197; e2 86 97 &#8599; North East Arrow
&#x2198; e2 86 98 &#8600; South East Arrow
&#x2199; e2 86 99 &#8601; South West Arrow
&#x219A; e2 86 9a &#8602; Leftwards Arrow With Stroke
&#x219B; e2 86 9b &#8603; Rightwards Arrow With Stroke
&#x219C; e2 86 9c &#8604; Leftwards Wave Arrow
&#x219D; e2 86 9d &#8605; Rightwards Wave Arrow
&#x219E; e2 86 9e &#8606; Leftwards Two Headed Arrow
&#x219F; e2 86 9f &#8607; Upwards Two Headed Arrow
&#x21A0; e2 86 a0 &#8608; Rightwards Two Headed Arrow
&#x21A1; e2 86 a1 &#8609; Downwards Two Headed Arrow
&#x21A2; e2 86 a2 &#8610; Leftwards Arrow With Tail
&#x21A3; e2 86 a3 &#8611; Rightwards Arrow With Tail
&#x21A4; e2 86 a4 &#8612; Leftwards Arrow From Bar
&#x21A5; e2 86 a5 &#8613; Upwards Arrow From Bar
&#x21A6; e2 86 a6 &#8614; Rightwards Arrow From Bar
&#x21A7; e2 86 a7 &#8615; Downwards Arrow From Bar
&#x21A8; e2 86 a8 &#8616; Up Down Arrow With Base
&#x21A9; e2 86 a9 &#8617; Leftwards Arrow With Hook
&#x21AA; e2 86 aa &#8618; Rightwards Arrow With Hook
&#x21AB; e2 86 ab &#8619; Leftwards Arrow With Loop
&#x21AC; e2 86 ac &#8620; Rightwards Arrow With Loop
&#x21AD; e2 86 ad &#8621; Left Right Wave Arrow
&#x21AE; e2 86 ae &#8622; Left Right Arrow With Stroke
&#x21AF; e2 86 af &#8623; Downwards Zigzag Arrow
&#x21B0; e2 86 b0 &#8624; Upwards Arrow With Tip Leftwards
&#x21B1; e2 86 b1 &#8625; Upwards Arrow With Tip Rightwards
&#x21B2; e2 86 b2 &#8626; Downwards Arrow With Tip Leftwards
&#x21B3; e2 86 b3 &#8627; Downwards Arrow With Tip Rightwards
&#x21B4; e2 86 b4 &#8628; Rightwards Arrow With Corner Downwards
&crarr; &#x21B5; e2 86 b5 &#8629; Downwards Arrow With Corner Leftwards
&#x21B6; e2 86 b6 &#8630; Anticlockwise Top Semicircle Arrow
&#x21B7; e2 86 b7 &#8631; Clockwise Top Semicircle Arrow
&#x21B8; e2 86 b8 &#8632; North West Arrow To Long Bar
&#x21B9; e2 86 b9 &#8633; Leftwards Arrow To Bar Over Rightwards Arrow To Bar
&#x21BA; e2 86 ba &#8634; Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow
&#x21BB; e2 86 bb &#8635; Clockwise Open Circle Arrow
&#x21BC; e2 86 bc &#8636; Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards
&#x21BD; e2 86 bd &#8637; Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards
&#x21BE; e2 86 be &#8638; Upwards Harpoon With Barb Rightwards
&#x21BF; e2 86 bf &#8639; Upwards Harpoon With Barb Leftwards
&#x21C0; e2 87 80 &#8640; Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards
&#x21C1; e2 87 81 &#8641; Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards
&#x21C2; e2 87 82 &#8642; Downwards Harpoon With Barb Rightwards
&#x21C3; e2 87 83 &#8643; Downwards Harpoon With Barb Leftwards
&#x21C4; e2 87 84 &#8644; Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow
&#x21C5; e2 87 85 &#8645; Upwards Arrow Leftwards Of Downwards Arrow
&#x21C6; e2 87 86 &#8646; Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards Arrow
&#x21C7; e2 87 87 &#8647; Leftwards Paired Arrows
&#x21C8; e2 87 88 &#8648; Upwards Paired Arrows
&#x21C9; e2 87 89 &#8649; Rightwards Paired Arrows
&#x21CA; e2 87 8a &#8650; Downwards Paired Arrows
&#x21CB; e2 87 8b &#8651; Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon
&#x21CC; e2 87 8c &#8652; Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon
&#x21CD; e2 87 8d &#8653; Leftwards Double Arrow With Stroke
&#x21CE; e2 87 8e &#8654; Left Right Double Arrow With Stroke
&#x21CF; e2 87 8f &#8655; Rightwards Double Arrow With Stroke
&lArr; &#x21D0; e2 87 90 &#8656; Leftwards Double Arrow
&uArr; &#x21D1; e2 87 91 &#8657; Upwards Double Arrow
&rArr; &#x21D2; e2 87 92 &#8658; Rightwards Double Arrow
&dArr; &#x21D3; e2 87 93 &#8659; Downwards Double Arrow
&hArr; &#x21D4; e2 87 94 &#8660; Left Right Double Arrow
&#x21D5; e2 87 95 &#8661; Up Down Double Arrow
&#x21D6; e2 87 96 &#8662; North West Double Arrow
&#x21D7; e2 87 97 &#8663; North East Double Arrow
&#x21D8; e2 87 98 &#8664; South East Double Arrow
&#x21D9; e2 87 99 &#8665; South West Double Arrow
&#x21DA; e2 87 9a &#8666; Leftwards Triple Arrow
&#x21DB; e2 87 9b &#8667; Rightwards Triple Arrow
&#x21DC; e2 87 9c &#8668; Leftwards Squiggle Arrow
&#x21DD; e2 87 9d &#8669; Rightwards Squiggle Arrow
&#x21DE; e2 87 9e &#8670; Upwards Arrow With Double Stroke
&#x21DF; e2 87 9f &#8671; Downwards Arrow With Double Stroke
&#x21E0; e2 87 a0 &#8672; Leftwards Dashed Arrow
&#x21E1; e2 87 a1 &#8673; Upwards Dashed Arrow
&#x21E2; e2 87 a2 &#8674; Rightwards Dashed Arrow
&#x21E3; e2 87 a3 &#8675; Downwards Dashed Arrow
&#x21E4; e2 87 a4 &#8676; Leftwards Arrow To Bar
&#x21E5; e2 87 a5 &#8677; Rightwards Arrow To Bar
&#x21E6; e2 87 a6 &#8678; Leftwards White Arrow
&#x21E7; e2 87 a7 &#8679; Upwards White Arrow
&#x21E8; e2 87 a8 &#8680; Rightwards White Arrow
&#x21E9; e2 87 a9 &#8681; Downwards White Arrow
&#x21EA; e2 87 aa &#8682; Upwards White Arrow From Bar
&#x21EB; e2 87 ab &#8683; Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal
&#x21EC; e2 87 ac &#8684; Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Horizontal Bar
&#x21ED; e2 87 ad &#8685; Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Vertical Bar
&#x21EE; e2 87 ae &#8686; Upwards White Double Arrow
&#x21EF; e2 87 af &#8687; Upwards White Double Arrow On Pedestal
&#x21F0; e2 87 b0 &#8688; Rightwards White Arrow From Wall
&#x21F1; e2 87 b1 &#8689; North West Arrow To Corner
&#x21F2; e2 87 b2 &#8690; South East Arrow To Corner
&#x21F3; e2 87 b3 &#8691; Up Down White Arrow
&#x21F4; e2 87 b4 &#8692; Right Arrow With Small Circle
&#x21F5; e2 87 b5 &#8693; Downwards Arrow Leftwards Of Upwards Arrow
&#x21F6; e2 87 b6 &#8694; Three Rightwards Arrows
&#x21F7; e2 87 b7 &#8695; Leftwards Arrow With Vertical Stroke
&#x21F8; e2 87 b8 &#8696; Rightwards Arrow With Vertical Stroke
&#x21F9; e2 87 b9 &#8697; Left Right Arrow With Vertical Stroke
&#x21FA; e2 87 ba &#8698; Leftwards Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke
&#x21FB; e2 87 bb &#8699; Rightwards Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke
&#x21FC; e2 87 bc &#8700; Left Right Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke
&#x21FD; e2 87 bd &#8701; Leftwards Open-Headed Arrow
&#x21FE; e2 87 be &#8702; Rightwards Open-Headed Arrow
&#x21FF; e2 87 bf &#8703; Left Right Open-Headed Arrow
&forall; &#x2200; e2 88 80 &#8704; For All
&#x2201; e2 88 81 &#8705; Complement
&part; &#x2202; e2 88 82 &#8706; Partial Differential
&exist; &#x2203; e2 88 83 &#8707; There Exists
&#x2204; e2 88 84 &#8708; There Does Not Exist
&empty; &#x2205; e2 88 85 &#8709; Empty Set
&#x2206; e2 88 86 &#8710; Increment
&nabla; &#x2207; e2 88 87 &#8711; Nabla
&isin; &#x2208; e2 88 88 &#8712; Element Of
&notin; &#x2209; e2 88 89 &#8713; Not An Element Of
&#x220A; e2 88 8a &#8714; Small Element Of
&ni; &#x220B; e2 88 8b &#8715; Contains As Member
&#x220C; e2 88 8c &#8716; Does Not Contain As Member
&#x220D; e2 88 8d &#8717; Small Contains As Member
&#x220E; e2 88 8e &#8718; End Of Proof
&prod; &#x220F; e2 88 8f &#8719; N-Ary Product
&#x2210; e2 88 90 &#8720; N-Ary Coproduct
&sum; &#x2211; e2 88 91 &#8721; N-Ary Summation
&minus; &#x2212; e2 88 92 &#8722; Minus Sign
&#x2213; e2 88 93 &#8723; Minus-Or-Plus Sign
&#x2214; e2 88 94 &#8724; Dot Plus
&#x2215; e2 88 95 &#8725; Division Slash
&#x2216; e2 88 96 &#8726; Set Minus
&lowast; &#x2217; e2 88 97 &#8727; Asterisk Operator
&#x2218; e2 88 98 &#8728; Ring Operator
&#x2219; e2 88 99 &#8729; Bullet Operator
&radic; &#x221A; e2 88 9a &#8730; Square Root
&#x221B; e2 88 9b &#8731; Cube Root
&#x221C; e2 88 9c &#8732; Fourth Root
&prop; &#x221D; e2 88 9d &#8733; Proportional To
&infin; &#x221E; e2 88 9e &#8734; Infinity
&#x221F; e2 88 9f &#8735; Right Angle
&ang; &#x2220; e2 88 a0 &#8736; Angle
&#x2221; e2 88 a1 &#8737; Measured Angle
&#x2222; e2 88 a2 &#8738; Spherical Angle
&#x2223; e2 88 a3 &#8739; Divides
&#x2224; e2 88 a4 &#8740; Does Not Divide
&#x2225; e2 88 a5 &#8741; Parallel To
&#x2226; e2 88 a6 &#8742; Not Parallel To
&and; &#x2227; e2 88 a7 &#8743; Logical And
&or; &#x2228; e2 88 a8 &#8744; Logical Or
&cap; &#x2229; e2 88 a9 &#8745; Intersection
&cup; &#x222A; e2 88 aa &#8746; Union
&int; &#x222B; e2 88 ab &#8747; Integral
&#x222C; e2 88 ac &#8748; Double Integral
&#x222D; e2 88 ad &#8749; Triple Integral
&#x222E; e2 88 ae &#8750; Contour Integral
&#x222F; e2 88 af &#8751; Surface Integral
&#x2230; e2 88 b0 &#8752; Volume Integral
&#x2231; e2 88 b1 &#8753; Clockwise Integral
&#x2232; e2 88 b2 &#8754; Clockwise Contour Integral
&#x2233; e2 88 b3 &#8755; Anticlockwise Contour Integral
&there4; &#x2234; e2 88 b4 &#8756; Therefore
&#x2235; e2 88 b5 &#8757; Because
&#x2236; e2 88 b6 &#8758; Ratio
&#x2237; e2 88 b7 &#8759; Proportion
&#x2238; e2 88 b8 &#8760; Dot Minus
&#x2239; e2 88 b9 &#8761; Excess
&#x223A; e2 88 ba &#8762; Geometric Proportion
&#x223B; e2 88 bb &#8763; Homothetic
&sim; &#x223C; e2 88 bc &#8764; Tilde Operator
&#x223D; e2 88 bd &#8765; Reversed Tilde
&#x223E; e2 88 be &#8766; Inverted Lazy S
&#x223F; e2 88 bf &#8767; Sine Wave
&#x2240; e2 89 80 &#8768; Wreath Product
&#x2241; e2 89 81 &#8769; Not Tilde
&#x2242; e2 89 82 &#8770; Minus Tilde
&#x2243; e2 89 83 &#8771; Asymptotically Equal To
&#x2244; e2 89 84 &#8772; Not Asymptotically Equal To
&cong; &#x2245; e2 89 85 &#8773; Approximately Equal To
&#x2246; e2 89 86 &#8774; Approximately But Not Actually Equal To
&#x2247; e2 89 87 &#8775; Neither Approximately Nor Actually Equal To
&asymp; &#x2248; e2 89 88 &#8776; Almost Equal To
&#x2249; e2 89 89 &#8777; Not Almost Equal To
&#x224A; e2 89 8a &#8778; Almost Equal Or Equal To
&#x224B; e2 89 8b &#8779; Triple Tilde
&#x224C; e2 89 8c &#8780; All Equal To
&#x224D; e2 89 8d &#8781; Equivalent To
&#x224E; e2 89 8e &#8782; Geometrically Equivalent To
&#x224F; e2 89 8f &#8783; Difference Between
&#x2250; e2 89 90 &#8784; Approaches The Limit
&#x2251; e2 89 91 &#8785; Geometrically Equal To
&#x2252; e2 89 92 &#8786; Approximately Equal To Or The Image Of
&#x2253; e2 89 93 &#8787; Image Of Or Approximately Equal To
&#x2254; e2 89 94 &#8788; Colon Equals
&#x2255; e2 89 95 &#8789; Equals Colon
&#x2256; e2 89 96 &#8790; Ring In Equal To
&#x2257; e2 89 97 &#8791; Ring Equal To
&#x2258; e2 89 98 &#8792; Corresponds To
&#x2259; e2 89 99 &#8793; Estimates
&#x225A; e2 89 9a &#8794; Equiangular To
&#x225B; e2 89 9b &#8795; Star Equals
&#x225C; e2 89 9c &#8796; Delta Equal To
&#x225D; e2 89 9d &#8797; Equal To By Definition
&#x225E; e2 89 9e &#8798; Measured By
&#x225F; e2 89 9f &#8799; Questioned Equal To
&ne; &#x2260; e2 89 a0 &#8800; Not Equal To
&equiv; &#x2261; e2 89 a1 &#8801; Identical To
&#x2262; e2 89 a2 &#8802; Not Identical To
&#x2263; e2 89 a3 &#8803; Strictly Equivalent To
&le; &#x2264; e2 89 a4 &#8804; Less-Than Or Equal To
&ge; &#x2265; e2 89 a5 &#8805; Greater-Than Or Equal To
&#x2266; e2 89 a6 &#8806; Less-Than Over Equal To
&#x2267; e2 89 a7 &#8807; Greater-Than Over Equal To
&#x2268; e2 89 a8 &#8808; Less-Than But Not Equal To
&#x2269; e2 89 a9 &#8809; Greater-Than But Not Equal To
&#x226A; e2 89 aa &#8810; Much Less-Than
&#x226B; e2 89 ab &#8811; Much Greater-Than
&#x226C; e2 89 ac &#8812; Between
&#x226D; e2 89 ad &#8813; Not Equivalent To
&#x226E; e2 89 ae &#8814; Not Less-Than
&#x226F; e2 89 af &#8815; Not Greater-Than
&#x2270; e2 89 b0 &#8816; Neither Less-Than Nor Equal To
&#x2271; e2 89 b1 &#8817; Neither Greater-Than Nor Equal To
&#x2272; e2 89 b2 &#8818; Less-Than Or Equivalent To
&#x2273; e2 89 b3 &#8819; Greater-Than Or Equivalent To
&#x2274; e2 89 b4 &#8820; Neither Less-Than Nor Equivalent To
&#x2275; e2 89 b5 &#8821; Neither Greater-Than Nor Equivalent To
&#x2276; e2 89 b6 &#8822; Less-Than Or Greater-Than
&#x2277; e2 89 b7 &#8823; Greater-Than Or Less-Than
&#x2278; e2 89 b8 &#8824; Neither Less-Than Nor Greater-Than
&#x2279; e2 89 b9 &#8825; Neither Greater-Than Nor Less-Than
&#x227A; e2 89 ba &#8826; Precedes
&#x227B; e2 89 bb &#8827; Succeeds
&#x227C; e2 89 bc &#8828; Precedes Or Equal To
&#x227D; e2 89 bd &#8829; Succeeds Or Equal To
&#x227E; e2 89 be &#8830; Precedes Or Equivalent To
&#x227F; e2 89 bf &#8831; Succeeds Or Equivalent To
&#x2280; e2 8a 80 &#8832; Does Not Precede
&#x2281; e2 8a 81 &#8833; Does Not Succeed
&sub; &#x2282; e2 8a 82 &#8834; Subset Of
&sup; &#x2283; e2 8a 83 &#8835; Superset Of
&nsub; &#x2284; e2 8a 84 &#8836; Not A Subset Of
&#x2285; e2 8a 85 &#8837; Not A Superset Of
&sube; &#x2286; e2 8a 86 &#8838; Subset Of Or Equal To
&supe; &#x2287; e2 8a 87 &#8839; Superset Of Or Equal To
&#x2288; e2 8a 88 &#8840; Neither A Subset Of Nor Equal To
&#x2289; e2 8a 89 &#8841; Neither A Superset Of Nor Equal To
&#x228A; e2 8a 8a &#8842; Subset Of With Not Equal To
&#x228B; e2 8a 8b &#8843; Superset Of With Not Equal To
&#x228C; e2 8a 8c &#8844; Multiset
&#x228D; e2 8a 8d &#8845; Multiset Multiplication
&#x228E; e2 8a 8e &#8846; Multiset Union
&oplus; &#x2295; e2 8a 95 &#8853; Circled Plus
&#x2296; e2 8a 96 &#8854; Circled Minus
&otimes; &#x2297; e2 8a 97 &#8855; Circled Times
&#x2298; e2 8a 98 &#8856; Circled Division Slash
&#x2299; e2 8a 99 &#8857; Circled Dot Operator
&#x229A; e2 8a 9a &#8858; Circled Ring Operator
&#x229B; e2 8a 9b &#8859; Circled Asterisk Operator
&#x229C; e2 8a 9c &#8860; Circled Equals
&#x229D; e2 8a 9d &#8861; Circled Dash
&#x229E; e2 8a 9e &#8862; Squared Plus
&#x229F; e2 8a 9f &#8863; Squared Minus
&#x22A0; e2 8a a0 &#8864; Squared Times
&#x22A1; e2 8a a1 &#8865; Squared Dot Operator
&perp; &#x22A5; e2 8a a5 &#8869; Perpendicular Symbol
&#x22BB; e2 8a bb &#8891; Xor
&#x22BC; e2 8a bc &#8892; Nand
&#x22BD; e2 8a bd &#8893; Nor
&#x22BE; e2 8a be &#8894; Right Angle With Arc
&#x22BF; e2 8a bf &#8895; Right Triangle
&#x22C0; e2 8b 80 &#8896; N-Ary Logical And
&#x22C1; e2 8b 81 &#8897; N-Ary Logical Or
&#x22C2; e2 8b 82 &#8898; N-Ary Intersection
&#x22C3; e2 8b 83 &#8899; N-Ary Union
&#x22C4; e2 8b 84 &#8900; Diamond Operator
&sdot; &#x22C5; e2 8b 85 &#8901; Dot Operator
&#x22C6; e2 8b 86 &#8902; Star Operator
&#x22D0; e2 8b 90 &#8912; Double Subset
&#x22D1; e2 8b 91 &#8913; Double Superset
&#x22D2; e2 8b 92 &#8914; Double Intersection
&#x22D3; e2 8b 93 &#8915; Double Union
&#x22D4; e2 8b 94 &#8916; Pitchfork
&#x22D5; e2 8b 95 &#8917; Equal And Parallel To
&#x22D6; e2 8b 96 &#8918; Less-Than With Dot
&#x22D7; e2 8b 97 &#8919; Greater-Than With Dot
&#x22D8; e2 8b 98 &#8920; Very Much Less-Than
&#x22D9; e2 8b 99 &#8921; Very Much Greater-Than
&#x22DA; e2 8b 9a &#8922; Less-Than Equal To Or Greater-Than
&#x22DB; e2 8b 9b &#8923; Greater-Than Equal To Or Less-Than
&#x22DC; e2 8b 9c &#8924; Equal To Or Less-Than
&#x22DD; e2 8b 9d &#8925; Equal To Or Greater-Than
&#x22FF; e2 8b bf &#8959; Z Notation Bag Membership
&#x2302; e2 8c 82 &#8962; House
&#x2305; e2 8c 85 &#8965; Projective
&#x2306; e2 8c 86 &#8966; Perspective
&#x2307; e2 8c 87 &#8967; Wavy Line
&lceil; &#x2308; e2 8c 88 &#8968; Left Ceiling
&rceil; &#x2309; e2 8c 89 &#8969; Right Ceiling
&lfloor; &#x230A; e2 8c 8a &#8970; Left Floor
&rfloor; &#x230B; e2 8c 8b &#8971; Right Floor
&#x2312; e2 8c 92 &#8978; Arc
&#x2318; e2 8c 98 &#8984; Place Of Interest Sign
&#x2320; e2 8c a0 &#8992; Top Half Integral
&#x2321; e2 8c a1 &#8993; Bottom Half Integral
&lang; &#x2329; e2 8c a9 &#9001; Left-Pointing Angle Bracket
&rang; &#x232A; e2 8c aa &#9002; Right-Pointing Angle Bracket
&#x23DA; e2 8f 9a &#9178; Earth Ground
&#x23DB; e2 8f 9b &#9179; Fuse
&loz; &#x25CA; e2 97 8a &#9674; Lozenge
&spades; &#x2660; e2 99 a0 &#9824; Black Spade Suit
&clubs; &#x2663; e2 99 a3 &#9827; Black Club Suit
&hearts; &#x2665; e2 99 a5 &#9829; Black Heart Suit
&diams; &#x2666; e2 99 a6 &diams; Black Diamond Suit
&#x2669; e2 99 a9 &#9833; Quarter Note
&#x266A; e2 99 aa &#9834; Eighth Note
&#x266B; e2 99 ab &#9835; Beamed Eighth Notes
&#x266C; e2 99 ac &#9836; Beamed Sixteenth Notes
&#x266D; e2 99 ad &#9837; Music Flat Sign
&#x266E; e2 99 ae &#9838; Music Natural Sign
&#x266F; e2 99 af &#9839; Music Sharp Sign



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